and it doesn't help worth a damn. EDIT: I was unclear in my initial post and now I can't edit it - they won't be the ones IN the camps - we will - they will be the ones filling up the camps with people like us, bringing us there in yellow school buses, I would guess, no one can be sure what manner of conveyance - THEY will then be the guards, etc. Back to my response.We are typical Liberals, 'sister. We want to KNOW why. Unfortunately, authoritarians and their followers don't bother much with that. While we are analyzing, they are DOING. The funny thing is that old "reality-based" community comment of Cheney's (or perhaps it was Rove's - Susskind never said) about how they create new realities and we study them, then while we're studying them, RW Authoritarians create new ones.
Of course it also describes Trotsky's perpetual revolution as well as Hitler's Germany.
You doubt Relocation Camps are in our future? Maybe so and maybe no, as no one can predict the details even WITH the trends staring us in the face like 100,000W neon arrows.
But now, as I predicted years ago, we are experiencing additional fracturing of our National Mind, with much of the RW Lie Machine and Propaganda now giving trumpet to all sorts of lunacy even more unhinged than it was during Bushler, and that's saying a lot. Teddy Roosevelt was evil. Progressivism = fascism. A grotesquely weak leader like Obama, constantly on his knees for compromise, painted as nascent brutal dictator.
Quite reminiscent of the Nazi calumnies against the mostly powerless Jews of Europe. Projection.
We are now coming to the end of the Middle Phase of Transition to What We Are Becoming, and the internal lexicon of the RW approaching new heights of lunacy and reality disconnect, points evermore psychologically to a mass of people who would tolerate and even welcome Relocation Camps, as long as it's for the Enemies of America (TM-BushCo).
You know: liberals, environmentalists, atheists, gays, freethinkers, deists and other evil "vermin" (as Savage likes to refer to his enemies) and "cancers" (as Beck likes to refer to HIS perceived enemies).
The other 70% will do what they have always done. Put their heads down, do their jobs, and hope the eye of the lunatic 30% Bushie-Brownshirt Teabagging Oath Keepers don't fall on them or theirs so they can keep living their lives.
Will the pressure be more Nazi-ish, Soviet-ish or even "kinder and gentler" Americanized, not unlike it is now.
Again, it's a fight between the Far-Right Corporatists and the Uber-Right Nazi/KKK/John Birchers who are now entering the mainstream of the Republican Party. Will the Aristiorcacy be able to maintain control over the demons they have awakened in our nation? It's the only question left to ask.
Sure, I hope you're right and I am wrong, babylonsister. But I have been singing the same tune for 9 years now and virtually every year another "checkbox" for the requirements for some truly awful totalitarian shit becomes closer to being fulfilled.
Not the least of which is the Oath Keepers, signaling open rebellion among our Law Enforcement and Military types against the Constitution. Ironically yet also traditionally, these Nazi-types who blabber on about not violating the Constitution and "rounding up Americans" will LINE UP to do it when Fuhrer Palin or Bush or whoever tells them to round up the liberals, environmentalists, atheists, gays, freethinkers, deists and other evil "vermin".
And I sure wouldn't want to be the 1 in 10 Oath Keepers to be thinking or saying at that future moment, "Ummm, guys. Didn't we just vow a few years ago that we wouldn't participate in rounding people up?"
"Yeah, but that's when we thought they were going to round up Americans like us. These are vermin and enemies of our nation. It's for National Security."
You'll see. Everyone will see eventually. Far-Right Corporate Neofeudalism, or something much MUCH Uber-Right worse?
Those are our choices left. Check fucking MATE.