The problem with neocons is that they think 'civilization' ENDS at the threshold of the "free market" (right wing code for the "economic law of the jungle: the predatory cult of enriching oneself at others' expense")
These people who exhalt themselves and denigrate others whom they disdainfully call 'bums' and speak of the meager income the poor may get from the government as "entitlements' (implying that any money the poor get from the government proves they are bums)
The right wing refuses to see that it is THEY who are the irresponsible ones, because they REFUSE to contribute their fair share back to the social wellbeing of society and the good of the many, preferring rather to gripe about having to pay any taxes while they leech off the labor and work of low income workers and pocket the profits gained on the backs of people they despise and people whose wages THEY have kept back by fraud and classist rationalizations. They leech off the very system that affords them their opportunities but then begrudge those poorer than they any benefit from that very same system. It is "do as I say, not as I do because THEY reserve the right to "get theirs' but hate others who may receive even a pittance of benefit from a miserly, two tiered system that rewards the rich and punishes the poor.
It is OK for the right to leech off society but not for poor to receive any unemployment or disability benefits after they WORKED for those benefits and paid in taxes while they were working by way of tax withholding. However, the right winger, hypocritically, never begrudges Wall Street parasites the money they skim off society to the tune of trillions of dollars.