Frpm :
The most dangerous right
OPINION Dennis A. Henigan March 1, 2010
In its second landmark Second Amendment case in two years, the U.S. Supreme Court, in McDonald v. City of Chicago, considers whether the new right to possess guns in the home, declared in its 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, is incorporated as a restraint against state and local law through the 14th Amendment. As intriguing as the incorporation issue is as a matter of constitutional law, the ultimate significance of McDonald to ordinary Americans may turn on a different issue, not formally posed by the case but difficult to avoid as the Court considers the reach of the Heller right. The "hidden" issue in McDonald is this: To what extent is the right to keep and bear arms different in nature from the other guarantees in the Bill of Rights? In terms of the incorporation issue, particularly under a due process clause analysis, the issue is whether the Second Amendment is as "fundamental," or as "implicit in the concept of ordered liberty," as other rights previously held incorporated under that test. But even if the Court decides that the Heller right meets the test for incorporation, other critical issues also will turn on whether the Second Amendment is properly analogous to other provisions of the Bill of Rights. For the future of gun control laws, the most important of these issues may be whether courts should closely scrutinize the considered judgments of state and local legislative bodies on gun control (similar to the standard of review in certain First Amendment cases) or whether they should be highly deferential to those judgments.
There is at least one respect in which the new right to have guns is vastly different than other rights. A wealth of empirical evidence shows that the exercise of the right to possess guns increases the risk of harm to individuals exercising the right, to their families and to the community at large. However the Court decides the incorporation question, its discussion of Second Amendment issues in McDonald and its future Second Amendment jurisprudence must recognize that the Second Amendment is, indisputably, the most dangerous right. Although the Heller right is to possess a gun in the home for self-defense, there is, unfortunately, no way to guarantee that guns will be used only for that salutary purpose. In fact, the research shows that, for every time a gun in the home is used in a self-defense shooting, there are four unintentional shootings (often involving young children), seven criminal assaults (often involving domestic disputes) and 11 completed or attempted suicides.... As one study concluded, "an increase in gun prevalence causes an intensification of criminal violence „ a shift toward greater lethality, and hence greater harm to the community." Indeed, states with the highest levels of gun ownership have 60% higher homicide rates than states with the lowest levels of gun ownership. The more Americans decide to exercise the Heller right, the more deadly violence becomes. ...
It is unclear whether the high court will declare the Second Amendment right as "fundamental" as the other rights that have been applied to the states. But even if it does, it should confront the hard reality that this "fundamental" right is also the most dangerous right of all.
Dennis Henigan is vice president for law and policy at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which filed briefs amicus curiae in the Heller and McDonald cases. He also is the author of Lethal Logic: Exploding the Myths that Paralyze American Gun Policy (Potomac Books 2009)."