First, it searches the web, not MSNBC. Second, it ranks them somehow and you have to say, again, "Please show me the results of the search so I can choose what I want." Eh. The "MS-" says it all.
My first search was simple minded. "MSNBC O'Keefe." Too big a net, but it turned up this: reports on a Pew survey. Pew just tallied up minutes, and this site--reliable or not--is just the first one I went to. On the O'Keefe/Landrieu incident, MSNBC had more than all, significantly more than most. A few other sites (as well as the Pew survey linked to) say the exactly same thing, so ad hominem "I refuse to believe it because I think the site's lying" don't fly.
So I searched on "O'Keefe MSNBC Landrieu news"--to avoid looking at all kinds of MSNBC that's not news. Some pages had been changed to reflect later versions of events--a practice that's abominable on the web, but pervasive.
Here's something, so it's untrue that there's not anything.
Wiretap: Act
ivist filmmaker arrested in senator’s office
Tamper with: Why tamper with Landrieu's phones?