striking 85.7 percent said “No” when asked if they were in favor of moving in the direction of a Third Party. This number dropped off when asked with which political party they were affiliated:
•61.7 percent Republican, 27.7 percent Independent, and 10.6 percent Tea Party.Hm. So if three-fifths of tea partiers surveyed still self-identify as Republicans, and they don’t want to move in the direction of a third party - I wonder which party they’re voting for in 2010 and beyond? Could it be the same one they’ve always voted for?
Once surrounded by others with the same commitment to transparency, fiscal responsibility, and a greater appreciation for American exceptionalism, the Tea Party people felt something they hadn’t up till then: Hope.Emphasis added. This is a direct response to the election of Obama and the Democrats, who - as Fox News tell them - hate America.
And a full 36 percent would support Sarah Palin for president.
So can we
please stop pretending the Tea Partiers are going to vote anything but Republican in the next election and in every election beyond that? Can we please stop pretending this is some ideologically middle-of-the-road-movement? This is ideological, Fox News extreme conservatism, borne of out these people’s frustration that their brand of conservatism reached its apex - such that it was - in the early Bush years, and is now past its sell-by date. The tide of conservatism as they know it and cherish it is receding, and it pisses them off.