Think Again: On TV News, “Right” Makes Right
So ABC News apparently thinks it’s appropriate to invite former political advisor to George W. Bush, Matthew Dowd, to guest host ABC’s “This Week” next week. Dowd found himself on the outs with Bush when he joined ABC in 2007, but he has never denounced the political principles that led him to join the most right-wing administration in American history to begin with. Nor insofar as I am aware, has he demonstrated any particular commitment to the principles of journalism. According to The Huffington Post, he remains a corporate consultant for ABC, and an ABC spokesperson says that Dowd can be depended upon to provide “independent and fair analysis on issues confronting the country...He has tremendous ability to speak to and understand all sides of an issue.”
And again, I haven’t seen enough of Dowd’s analyses to make an informed judgment about whether he has dropped a lifetime of political beliefs and can remain neutral—or at least appear to on TV. But it’s been an unfortunate rule of thumb that when right wingers are hired as news analysts, they are hired to propound their beliefs, and when liberals get the nod, they are expected to denude themselves of any previous insight into the way the world works.
Read more: Sibelius will appear on
Meet the Press on Sunday also, so if you can't stand to see a former Bush speechwriter doing interviews, watch NBC on Sunday morning instead of ABC. Thanks.