Interesting perspective from 'The Pen':
"The Democratic Party's Plan To THROW The Next Couple Elections
Facing reality is a tough job but somebody's got to do it. And we
foretell for you the events of the future NOT because we want them to
happen, but to get you to act to keep them from happening. But to do
that you need an action page, so here it is.
Put The Public Option Up For A Vote: now we will explain why this action page is so critical. To
understand the current political dynamic, first you must understand
that the Democrats are PLANNING on losing the next couple election
cycles. UNTIL you understand that, the events to unfold in the next
couple years (unless you act to derail them) will make no sense to
You don't have to believe us. Just listen to the way the Democrats
themselves are talking. Nancy Pelosi concedes that they will likely
suffer substantial losses in the House come November, though she
still will not admit that they will lose their majority in the next
round. Barack Obama says doesn't "know" how his ever more determined
push of the universally despised Senate health care scam will play
politically. He doesn't know??? Was the loss of the eternally
Democratic senate seat in Massachusetts not enough of a wake up call?
Their original plan, which we told you about no later than last
September (and we can point you to our published article at the time
to prove it), was to lull the liberal/progressive base into thinking
a "public option" was some kind of mumbling substitute for a single
payer reform system (that would have represented REAL change), with
the INTENTION of throwing even that option over the side before final
passage. We saw it all coming, and we tried to warn you how important
it was to keep speaking out to demand better.
For the corporate special interests controlling the whole legislative
process (but only in the absence of your voices of course) this was a
heads they win, tails the people lose, proposition. By getting the
Democrats to squander their mandate and political capital for actual
change, by getting them to meekly abandon their professed principles
in favor of a bill that would benefit as a bottom line the insurance
corporations only, the people en masse would justifiably conclude
that the Democrats had completely betrayed them. And the Republicans,
who by the tactic of enfeeblement of government in fact just empower
the same ultimate corporate agenda, even as disliked as they are
themselves, would be swept back into office in the next election. Net
result ... reform and change discredited, hopes dashed, defeatism
rules, the corporations win again, one grand circular tag team.
That was the MASTER plan. But then it hit a bump in the road in
Massachusetts. For you see, Scott Brown was not SUPPOSED to win. What
he was supposed to do was to stir the pot of public anger as a
prelude to November, to build a record of opposition, to fire a shot
across the public bow of the Democrats, but he was not supposed to
actually hit anything. It was strategically premature. Because having
lost their shaky super majority, depending even as it was on
regressive bad cops like Nelson and Lieberman, the Democrats could
then no longer just waltz the fatally compromised health care bill
through with a unilateral conference committee.
What to do? What were the corporate fascists to do? Now keep in mind
that the EXCUSE the Democrats had been giving all along to their own
base, as to why not only single payer, but in the end even a feeble
public option, had to be taken off the table, was that they could not
muster a full 60 votes for that in the Senate, that they could only
manage something like 53-56. But now suddenly, the only way to force
this destined to be hated bill through was have the Democrats in the
House bend over for the worst case Senate bill as it was, and clench
their noses long enough to pull some kind of corrective
reconciliation shenanigans that would only require 51 votes. Why, the
people would ask themselves, can't we at least have a public option,
since we were trying to get Congress to use reconciliation to make
THAT happen all along?
And the inescapable answer is ... that was not the plan. Suddenly
people like Senator Rockefeller, who had PRETENDED to be for a public
option before, dramatically reversed their position. Suddenly people
like Senator Harkin, who declared himself to be at heart a "single
payer guy" live on TV with Ed Shultz just the other day, would in the
next breath not even ADMIT that he would support a public option IF a
vote for it came up. Suddenly, people who were all for the public
option when their vote did NOT count became equivocal, or against it,
when they COULD possibly cast the deciding vote.
No, the plan was for the Democrats to pass a bill that would be so
despised that they would be swept out of power again, that would cost
them even their simple majorities. That was the PLAN. That was the
plan of the corporations all along. There has never been any other
plan. And that REMAINS the corporate plan with what can only be
described as an obstinate and renewed determination.
Now, it would be one thing if Barack Obama and the Democratic party
"leadership" were going to the wall for what the PEOPLE want. But
they are not. They are bracing to go to the wall for what the
corporations want. As perverse as George Bush was, at least he always
had his most dedicated and delusional core base on his side when he
thumbed his nose at the rest of us. The exact opposite is the case
here. Barack Obama is standing in diametric opposition to his own
base, and willfully so, displaying all the leadership qualities of a
bull in a bull fight.
We can read from the last 25 messages function of our own action
pages, just as you can. It breaks our heart to read people talking
about how they worked so hard for Obama and now feel so betrayed. It
breaks our heart to read independents write that they were willing to
give the Democrats a chance, but will never vote for a Democrat
again. It breaks our heart to read people declaring that they will
never even turn out to vote again, for anyone. Because this is all
nothing but surrender talk. But we fight on undeterred, even with our
broken heart.
Put The Public Option Up For A Vote: we tell you now, that if this health care bill is rammed through
without at least a semblance of a public option in it, the one we
were promised at a MINIMUM, there will be massive hemorrhaging at the
polls come November. The American people are out there right now
asking themselves, "Was Massachusetts not enough ... how big a 2x4
will we have to hit these mules in the head with before they finally
get it?" The Republicans will not need to talk about any other issue
to campaign on. They will get a total pass on an secret agenda that
is, if anything, in every respect more hostile to the real public
policy interests of the people whose anger they will arouse.
And if the Democrats DON'T lose their majorities in a single
election, guess what? Same rallying war cry for 2012, "Got to vote
out more Democrats so we can repeal the hated bill, including getting
a getting a president who will sign the repeal bill." Try to tell us
you don't hear it happening already. Even if the Democrats don't lose
their majorities in 2010, they will be so reduced that they will not
be able to accomplish anything in the next two years, not that they
have been able to accomplish anything with the majorities they had,
meaning nothing to run on in 2012 either. Of course the latest
promise never meant to be honored is that the Democrats will fight
for a public option LATER. But if they can't muster the votes to do
it now, with the majorities they have now, only the most terminally
gullible would believe they could do it with fewer votes in the
future, even if they actually wanted to, which they do NOT!
And if there is a historic landslide in November and both houses of
Congress go Republican, guess what the first bill from the new
Congress will be ... repeal the health care bill. And guess what
happens if Obama tries to veto it, or the Democrats try to filibuster
(after passing it on 51 votes in the first place)? In short, Obama
becomes an instant lame duck, the people will be hell bent on getting
rid of him too, and the entire Democratic party is just a dead man
walking. Either way, pushing this bill now avails nothing, since it
WILL be repealed before it ever goes into meaningful effect.
And when the repeal bill does become law there will be people
celebrating and dancing in the streets, not even realizing that they
are just dancing on their own graves. No pack of lemmings have ever
hurtled so foolishly to their own demise as this Democratic Congress.
No pod of whales have ever beached themselves so senselessly. We are
talking about the biggest act of deliberate mass suicide in the
history of the animal kingdom.
UNLESS, and we would concede that this is a big unless, we can
somehow get enough people to speak out to DEMAND a vote on a public
option, and not just the weak public option passed by the House, but
instead the proposed Medicare expansion to 55 from December quashed
putatively by Lieberman alone, and additionally for an option for
ANYONE to buy in to Medicare, for the PURPOSE of calling the
Democrats out, to at least demand something better. Democratic
members of Congress are under corporate orders (including direct from
the White House and being cajoled) to take a dive. The only thing
that can countermand that order are your voices speaking out. Your
voices ... if you will use them while you still can. Please submit
the action page now.
Put The Public Option Up For A Vote: folks can just keep lapping up the diminishingly persuasive happy
face emails from the Obama never-ending campaign machine with ever
more promises of ponies and rainbows, in which case all will
transpire just as we have revealed it.
And here is the Facebook links for the action page further above.
Public Option Vote Action:
And this is the Twitter reply for the Public Option Vote action
@cxs #p1038
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible."