Holy Wars: Air Force commander embraces Joel's Army paramilitary groupby dogemperor
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 at 02:03:50 PM PST
Today, what appeared to most folks to be an emergency management group held a talk on Al Quaida and the Iraqi insurgency with a Brigadier-General of the Air Force's Cyberspace Command--implying that all of Islam was out to get us, and warning about Islam's own version of dominionism.
There was a big thing about the group holding the talk that very few people noticed, though.
The group conducting the talks--the "ALERT Academy"--is connected to the most extreme branches of dominionism: a movement called "Joel's Army" or the "Joshua Generation", which has been especially promoted by Bill Gothard and which has even gone to setting up paramilitary training camps for its own...of which ALERT Teams happens to be one.
And disturbingly, they seem to have gotten official sanction--by one of the heads of the very military department responsible for military satellites, surveillance, and watching the Internet for international threats.
* dogemperor's diary :: ::
The talk--covered in the Longview, TX News-Journal--seems innocuous enough on its face, if more than a bit jingoistic:
BIG SANDY — Islamic extremists have a 100-year plan for world domination, and Americans must be prepared for the long fight, a U.S. Air Force general told East Texans on Monday.
Speaking during a Veterans Day banquet in Big Sandy, Mike McClendon said extremists want to create an economic superpower with the biggest army and strongest currency, and they want half the world's population to reside in an Islamic state.
They plan to gain control of oil reserves and bankrupt Western countries, and they plan to create safe havens throughout the world, including some in Latin America, he said.
"They're willing to go as long as it takes, and they are making progress," said McClendon, who commands the Air Force's Global Cyberspace Integration Center in Virginia.
McClendon's office culled the information from extremist Web sites, he said. The general, a former teacher at the International ALERT Academy in Big Sandy, delivered the findings to about 450 people who attended ALERT's sixth annual Veterans Day event Monday night.
. . .
The ALERT Academy is home to the Air Land Emergency Resource Team, which trains young Christian men to respond to natural disasters and other crises throughout the world.
David Herring, who coordinates outside events, camps and conferences for ALERT, said the banquet recognizes veterans and active military members, as well as law officers, firefighters, emergency personnel and other people who ALERT students should emulate.
The reason I have used the term "Dueling Holy Wars" to refer to this speech is because ALERT Teams is far from innocuous. In fact, it can be argued they are among the "Extreme of the extreme" among Christian nationalist groups.
To give you some backgrounder, it's necessary to diverge for a wee bit and discuss a form of dominionism that--outside of a few people, such as Sara Diamond--hasn't gotten an intensive amount of research.
A lot of researchers into "Christian nationalist" movements in the US now agree there are three major branches--"Christian Reconstructionists" (popular in "independent fundamentalist Baptist" circles and also the subject of most research on dominionism to date), "ultramontaine" Catholicism (think Opus Dei), and a third group within neopentecostal churches that I have referrred to in my writings as "Joel's Army" dominionism or "neopentecostal dominionism".
Surprisingly, the neopente dominionists seem to have had the longest continuous push of all "Christian nationalist" groups (with the exception, of course, of segments of Catholic nationalist movements); they have also, especially in the past thirty years, become considerably more extreme in their tactics--both inside and outside of the churches where the movement lives.
Much more at the link: