Not so Fast on DADTBy convicted felon Oliver North | March 04, 2010
He had to give them something. During his first year in office, Barack Obama made the rounds of his constituents and tried to appease them all. For the pacifists there were promises to get out of Iraq. Self-loathing Americans were given a global, kow-towing, Presidential apology tour. The Marxist-librarian constituency was assuaged when he accepted communist literature from Hugo Chavez. To satisfy Rodney King -- "Can't We All Just Get Along?" adherents, Mr. Obama promised to close the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo. Proponents of global environmental policy, universal health care, nationalized industry, and massive government, all got something.
But the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgendered community, which worked so hard to elect Mr. Obama, wasn't feeling the love. The President wouldn't let them out of the closet, they argued, and their patience was wearing thin. POTUS had to give them reason to stay in the fold.
The payoff came in his State of the Union Address, when Mr. Obama went off on another frolic and diversion in declaring, "This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are."
That set Washington's Self-Esteem Caucus on full throttle. "Fairness" is liberalism's golden calf, and now, a central organizing principle of Mr. Obama's national security policy. The pundits, citing politicians and polls, declared that "society has moved on" and that the 1993 law barring active homosexuals from military service is "old and outdated."
When Secretary of Defense Robert Gates went so far as to suggest that he was prepared to ignore enforcement of the law, he wasn't chastised -- he was commended. Others who once stood up for our military and their families, but who now voice support for opening the military to active homosexuals are -- for the first time in their careers -- cited by the media as "authoritative," even "heroic."
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