Governor Deval Patrick in Massachusetts wants cost controlo mechanisms to reign in the state healthcare costs that were predicted to be $700 million but are now $900 million. Their insurance rates are also increasing just like those in California.
The problem of underestimating costs has dogged the Massachusetts' plan and could potentially undermi tnehe Obama plan which has similar features. Obama didn’t mention was Massachusetts (and) Romneycare, aka “ObamaCare: The Beta Version.”
Maybe he thinks of us as the Manhattan Project of medical insurance reform. Too top secret to discuss. More likely, it has something to do with the nightmare results of this government-run debacle. Here are a few “highlights” of the current status of the Obamacare experiment in Massachusetts:
It’s exploding the budget: Our “universal” health insurance scheme is already $47 million over budget for 2010. Romneycare will cost taxpayers more than $900 million next year alone.
It’s killing us on costs: Average Massachusetts premiums are the highest in the nation and rising. We also spend 27 percent more on health care services, per capita, than the national average. Those costs, contrary to what we were promised, have been going up faster here than nearly everywhere else.
It’s creating bizarre marketplace mutations: In Massachusetts, ObamaCare 1.0 is such a mess our governor is talking about imposing draconian price controls. He’s even suggested going to “capitation,” a system where doctors get a fixed amount of money per patient - and then that’s it. Which means it would become in your doctor’s financial interest never to see you again.
The percentage of uninsured Bay State residents has gone from around 6 percent to around 3 percent.
Romneycare model a dud