Manifesting different aspects of the divine essence, Indian gods and goddesses are often portrayed seated upon or beside the animals deemed to be their particular "vehicles". The elephant-headed Lord Ganesha, for example, has a rat as his vehicle, as if to demonstrate in a manner both quotidian and profound that the least of creatures might bear the greatest of truths. On the plane of India's politics, however, where truths and untruths both require vehicles, celebrities have come to serve as the beasts of choice for groups seeking to publicise their causes.
Such figures sometimes make unwilling vehicles, as the recent cases of MF Hussain and Taslima Nasreen illustrate. The first, an eminent artist living in exile after threats from Hindu militants objecting to his "pornographic" depictions of a goddess, has just accepted Qatari citizenship. The second, a Bangladeshi writer who went into exile after threats from Muslim militants objecting to her portrayal of Islam, has been accused of writing an article against veiling that provoked violence in the Indian state of Karnataka.
Both cases have prompted a great deal of soul-searching about freedom of expression in the Indian press. But celebrities do not always make the best political vehicles, as the failed agitation against film star Shahrukh Khan illustrates. The actor was accused by the same people who attacked Hussain of being unpatriotic, because he spoke in favour of picking Pakistani cricketers to play in the Indian Premier League
On the heels of these much-publicised events, we now have the writer and activist Arundhati Roy chosen as a mediator by Maoists conducting an insurgency in the country's hills and forests, with India's largest peacetime deployment of troops ranged against them.