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Adam McKay: An Open Letter to the State of Alabama

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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 06:11 AM
Original message
Adam McKay: An Open Letter to the State of Alabama
Hey Alabama, first off, congrats on the stellar season the Crimson Tide had. Wow. That defense is nasty. I spent some time in Alabama when we shot Talladega Nights. We stayed in Birmingham. I had what may have been the best ribs ever and also found a great restaurant that made amazing mojitos.

We shot during an actual race at Talladega and I'll never forget that massive crowd and the crazy fun of the infield and the parties they had.

So clearly you're a state that loves America, believes in hard work and God. I got the sense that Alabama is a place where people don't want handouts and don't much care for people talking out of the side of their mouth.

So here's my question: why do you keep electing Senator Shelby?

I know that with all the news being owned by big corporations it's hard to get real information. And with having to work or look for work it's even harder to search for the true story so that's why I thought I'd let you know what Shelby's been doing in the Senate Banking Committee. Currently he's doing everything he can do to kill the creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency. This is a watchdog agency that would be created to make sure working people don't get ripped off by big Wall Street Banks and credit card companies.

So why would Senator Shelby fight against the interests of the people of Alabama? Simple. Cause those same banks and credit card companies are the ones who give him a ton of cash. Here's a list of">his biggest donors.

I can't imagine any person I met in Alabama being cool with their elected official doing the bidding of giant financial institutions over the working families he's supposed to represent.

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Stuckinthebush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 09:00 AM
Response to Original message
1. Once a US Senator from Alabama...
...always a US Senator from Alabama.

The reasons?

Money, conservative politics, religion, and undereducated voters.

I've lived in bama all my life and have worked in politics here at the grassroots as well as the organized Dem party level. Shelby is entrenched so deep into the fabric of Alabama politics that he will never be moved. He knows this. He knows that he can blatantly disregard the political health of the US to do the bidding of his masters without fear of repercussions. He is too powerful in the AL Republican Party to get a serious challenger in a primary. The GOP here will squash whomever tries. Serious Dem challengers are either Republican lite or seen as too far left for Alabama. Who said that given the choice between a Republican and a Democrat acting like a Republican, the public will choose the Republican every time? Well that works here. Our Dems for the most part are Blue Dogs who really should be Repubs. Hell, take Artur Davis for example. He just said that he'd take off time from campaigning to vote against health care reform. And he is our most progressive Dem!

I gave up on Alabama politics a long time ago. I have great love and great disgust for my home state. While we have pockets of progressive voters, the map is filled with red.

I honestly belief that the deep south will never again be a Democratic stronghold. There are too many scared and ignorant voters here. And frankly, they like it that way.

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Daveparts still Donating Member (614 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 01:01 PM
Response to Original message
2. As a Former Sizable Member of the Liberal Community
I can explain that issue, Many Alabamians vote a straight party ticket. Unfortunately the party, is the party of God. Gay rights?= Vote Republican!
Abortion? = Vote Republican!

In the city where I lived, the school board suggested a 3 mill tax increase to support the schools. Three cents per thousand dollars of property value.
The Republican mayor had the old people up in arms. They called talk radio crying that they were about to lose their homes due to high property taxes.

The Republican mayor then came out with a compromise plan. A one cent sales tax on every dollar spent. The old people didn't catch on that they were paying $10.00 per thousand in taxes rather than three cents per thousand in property taxes but letting rich people pay less. Damn those Democrats and their higher taxes!
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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 09:09 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Impressive, isn't it?
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