Sen. Ensign’s galling claims of innocence
By Jon Ralston (contact)
Friday, March 12, 2010 | 2 a.m.
In the wake of new revelations in the drip-drip-drip of scandal slowly drenching Sen. John Ensign and washing away any vestiges of his credibility or political life, a national reporter asked me a question: Did I think the latest dollops, spooned out this week by The New York Times and indicating Ensign went out of his way to help his former staffer/former best friend Doug Hampton, whose wife he bedded, might force him to resign?
My answer: If someone could have the stupendous arrogance to sleep with his best friend’s wife while both were on staff, pay them off with $96,000 of parental cash, continue to see the wife while twisting arms to get the cuckold a job, all the while harboring presidential aspirations, why would he not have the hubris to try to tough it out?
Ensign clearly is immune to shame after spending a public career on a moral high horse while horsing around in private. This is a man who put a false front to the world, the sanctimonious Senate preacher actually living a double life at that Playboy Mansion East on C Street. And now, with two probes closing in on him like a vise, Ensign, through his spokesman, offers up fodder no nightclub comic could lampoon: “Sen. Ensign has consistently acted in an ethical manner to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.”
My God, man. Or as Hampton put it in an e-mail discovered by the Times: “Who are you John? ... You continue to reveal who you really are ... a self-centered, self consumed person who only cares for their (sic) own well being.”