I think the Democratic point of view has been well vindicated but the press continues to spout the right wing puppet theater script.
The polarization between the worldviews of Republicans and Democrats, and the intense negative effects they produce, reach new lows daily.
The recent health care summit moderated by President Obama was marked more by the deep and often bitter differences between Republicans and Democrats than by any desire to cooperate. Sen. Evan Bayh's decision to leave the Senate and the abysmally low ratings of Congress are further testimony to the deep differences between Republicans and Democrats. Because assumptions are the basic elements of worldviews, it behooves us to examine them and to see how they shape important issues. Furthermore, because each party takes its assumptions for granted, they are rarely examined systematically, let alone side by side.
Because it literally deals with matters of life and death, health care is a perfect illustration of the fundamental differences in worldviews.
Republicans generally assume:
-- Don't do anything that interferes with business; i.e., hands off the free-market system.
In sharp contrast, Democrats generally assume:
-- Business must be strongly regulated because it cannot be trusted to act in the public interest.
-- Health care is not a business because when one is sick, one cannot shop for alternatives. Health care is a fundamental right for all, not a privilege for those who can afford it. Even those with coverage are not treated fairly by for-profit health-insurance companies.
Gap in world view of Democrats, Republicans