What exactly are these evil Democrats "up to" with the "deem and pass"? What is this nasty 'self executing rule', sure sounds sneaky.
"Deem and pass", allows the House Democrats to ... deem the Senate HCR bill as passed ...and just vote on the final health care bill with the changes proposed by the President. In other words, they are not going to vote on the Senate bill which will not survive the adjustments anyway. That's what Boehner is calling a sneaky 'tactic' to 'hide' a vote on the soon to be extinct Senate bill. A bill soon to be succeeded by the final HCR bill which will be voted on by both the Senate and the House.
Again, the Corporate Lobbyist party is conjuring phantom monsters intended to populate the vacuous minds of tea-partiers and M$M talking heads (who have devoted many hours talking about this nefarious trick, liberally laced with histrionic tirades of bullshit from Corporate Lobbyist Party operatives, being perpetrated by the Dems, without actually describing it - to describe it would make it immediately apparent this monster is a mirage.).
The vote will be taken on the bill to become law. Taking time to vote on a bill that won't ever make it into law....now there that is Republican style Government mismanagement.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) paraphrased an old definition of the Yiddish term "chutzpah" to offer a stinging rebuke to Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) on Wednesday.
In characterizing Republican objections to the Democrats' possible use of what is called a "deem and pass" procedure to enact health care reform, Hoyer noted that "unfortunately, Republicans are a little bit like the boy who killed his two parents and then wants sympathy because they're an orphan."
"This is a procedure," Hoyer explained., "that was used almost a hundred times under Newt Gingrich, and over a hundred times by Speaker Hastert, which my friend Mr. Cantor supported most of the time, if not all the time. So this is not an unusual procedure. ... It's simply like a conference report."