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Tea Party's Health Care Opposition Turns Racist, Violent

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 06:44 AM
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Tea Party's Health Care Opposition Turns Racist, Violent

I can respect conservatives who can respect liberals. I can work with conservatives who are willing to work with progressives. If your goal is to move America rather than your party forward, than I'd like to shake your hand and find a way to do it together. What I cannot respect are people who think it's painfully obvious that their beliefs are the one and only definition of "right" or of "American." I cannot abide for half a second those people who think anyone even half an inch different than they are unpatriotic, socialist, elitist, stupid, or undeserving.

And that is why I loathe Glenn Beck and the Tea Party movement. You think government is too big? Okay, I get that. You think the President is taking us down a bad path? I disagree, but whatever. You believe Congress is broken? Who doesn't. You think black people who dare to disagree with you are Soviet Kenyan n------s who gas Jews? Well in that case, you represent none of the best and all of the worst of American history, you racist, uninformed, self-righteous, cowardly, unpatriotic, anarchist halfwit toads. Roll Call reports:

Rep. André Carson (D-Ind.) said tea party protesters opposed to the health care reform legislation yelled racial epithets at Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) and Lewis’ chief of staff earlier today. Carson said the taunts against Lewis came as the three men — all African-American — walked out of the Cannon House Office Building for votes this afternoon.
“They were shouting the N-word,” Carson said. “It was like a page out of a time machine.” Carson said Capitol Police surrounded the group and escorted them across the street to the Capitol.

And staffers and Members reported seeing Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) slurred for being a homosexual and a protester spitting on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.), another African-American lawmaker.

Do these addle-brained huns really think they’re going to change anyone’s mind with racist name calling? Do you they honestly think that this tripe passes for factual discourse? As conservative Joe Scarborough tweets, "John Lewis is a friend, a great man and an American hero. Anyone attacking such a man with racial slurs has a dark heart and a grim soul." And "Also, the attacks against Barney Frank were hateful and outrageous. Barney and I usually disagreed in Congress but he loves his country."
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OHdem10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 06:59 AM
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1. What is worse IMO, is all the time and attention the Mainstream
Media has given the TeaBaggers, covering every whimper
and essentially setting them up as the standard for
American optinion. CNN??? Fox????

They knew the underlying Racism of this movement or
it they did not--what kind of News Organization are they???
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Bluenorthwest Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 09:34 AM
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2. News to the straight people: this is not new to Barney or any of us
This is what you stand for when you stood with McClurkin and Warren. Notice Barney was not clutching his pearls in shock. He is used to hearing even those on 'our side' explain in cold rational words why they think God wants us to have no rights. Some nut shouting slurs is not as harmful as people in power saying we should not have rights, and then enforcing that by law. The slur shouter is easier to cope with than the stuff the President says, what his friends say. Those who don't like it need to understand that they are the Tea Party. No different.
I personally have a hard time pointing fingers at them for being exactly what so many of us are. Would you rather be taunted with a nasty name by a nut on the street or told by the President that God thinks your family is not a family? One carries the force of law, one carries nothing but spite.
Which would you pick, given the choice?
Or is it just that the baggers should have stuck with the anti gay stuff, and they crossed a line with the racism? To me, both are equally vile.
Those who stood with McClurkin and Warren are standing with Glenn Beck today. The end.
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Gman2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-21-10 10:51 AM
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3. They think we are soft, and will not vote in such turmoil.
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