Mind you I don't like this bill fully, I believe it will need to be amended in time. I think the democrats who voted nay just for the sake of playing both sides depending on it's failures or successes. That said; Quote from the spoiled little child; ""We have failed to listen to America," said Rep. John Boehner".
Just think about those words. Have we not heard the numerous stories from across the nation whose representatives are from both party's. They tell stories of their hardships, the number one reason being they have to choose between keeping their health care or paying the mortgage or buying medicines for their children or themselves. You probably know people in your own lives who need the services of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. All three being in need of major overhaul for waste which is being done already, they are and have helped the citizens of this nation. When they get rid of the fraud and redundancy it will keep the promise being deficit neutral. So as imperfect this bill might be, as was the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, written by the same ilk of people, those with wealth, big business and influence. I mean after all, "All men are created equal"? How do you write a line as that when you have black slaves who they tortured, raped and murdered.
So Rep Boehner, you are right, you have failed to listen to America, as you had for ten years you and your colleagues under GW Bush could have improved health care in the fashion you wanted; in small increments.. Yet you did nothing which makes you unqualified to make any remark against this legislation, let alone represent this great nation. We're on to you, and day after day, as the message gets out, more and more will see the real you too. Hopefully it will be in time for the upcoming elections and you can be free to make money on the talk circuit or become a lobbyists. You know so many, remember how often you had to have meetings with them during this year long battle to get their advice and contributions ? Well, the important thing is, if you don't remember all that, we do, and we're spreading the word. A bit of advice; think before making a statement.