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Healthcare triumph a credit to Nancy Pelosi's savvy--Kornacki/Salon

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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-22-10 09:47 AM
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Healthcare triumph a credit to Nancy Pelosi's savvy--Kornacki/Salon
By Steve Kornacki


The passage of healthcare reform is not just a triumph of Pelosi’s liberal idealism, though it is partly that. It’s just as much a triumph of her underappreciated legislative savvy – mastery, really. In the ’01 leadership race, Hoyer was supposed to be the skilled tactician. Pelosi was supposed to be the clueless ideologue. But as speaker, she’s adeptly mixed her idealism with the deft touch of a seasoned congressional insider.

You need look no further than the healthcare saga for confirmation of this. Who else could have pulled off what Pelosi just did? For more than a year, she carefully balanced the wildly disparate interests of her caucus’ various coalitions – the progressives who demanded a “robust” public option, the Blue Dogs who cared mainly about deficits, the pro-lifers who made abortion their make-or-break issue, and on and on. She gave away just enough to each group to keep reform alive – without sacrificing her own bottom line of near-universal coverage.

She also went to war with the Senate after the Massachusetts special election – and won, forcing that chamber’s leaders to embrace the reconciliation process they’d been shunning.

Since Obama’s inauguration, Pelosi has racked up an impressive list of achievements. She pushed the stimulus bill through, then cap-and-trade, and now healthcare. And those are just the headline items. For a woman who supposedly hails from her party’s left-wing fringe, she sure has a knack for winning over moderates when it matters.
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Daveparts still Donating Member (614 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-22-10 10:22 AM
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1. You're Joking, Right?
"Pelosi’s liberal idealism,"?
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