Ever talk to a teabagger? I did-- lots of them. They're overwhelmingly racists and overwhelmingly angry and overwhelmingly... brainwashed. Few teabaggers seem capable of critical thought-- just the way conservatives want the people to be. As we mentioned this morning, over-fed, angry white teabaggers in DC yesterday were running wild, threatening gun violence, and yelling racial and homophobic epithets at Members of Congress they don't agree with on healthcare reform.
I spoke to several House staffers yesterday and today who told me crazed, frothing teabaggers were running around House office buildings screaming and banging on doors, working themselves into a frenzy. Lunatic fringe right-wing blogger Ann Althouse reacted to the vicious racist and homophobic attacks on members by saying "So what?" The White House is working overtime to debunk the lies being willfully spread by ratings-motivated right-wing propagandists to receptive modern day Know Nothings. It's hardly new that conservatives use divisive strategies to divide working people. Racism has always been key to them and Right Wing Watch doesn't mince any words in exposing them:
Right-wing pundits and political leaders committed to the destruction of the Obama presidency have been openly fomenting racial resentment or tolerating those who do. In one breath, they accuse President Obama of being racist and in the next they and their media allies howl with indignation if their own racial rhetoric is challenged. Among their charges: that President Obama hates "white culture" and that his health care reform efforts are a backdoor means to reparations for slavery that will "enslave" doctors and put the "racial grievance industry" in charge of emergency rooms.
Race-baiting pundits try to insulate themselves by falsely claiming that liberals play the "race card" to equate any criticism of the Obama administration with racism. In fact, this charge is itself an example of inflaming racial resentments for political gain. In other words, crying "You can't even criticize Obama without being called a racist" is just one more way to suggest that white conservatives are being oppressed.
Nancy Pelosi's blog laid out the big five lies-- she politely calls them myths-- that the GOP is expected to regurgitate endlessly on the House floor today: