The Tea Party activists huddled on the south lawn of the Capitol got the news of health care reform’s passage in the cruelest way. As their enthusiasm had flagged, a small group of pro-health care reform activists had nestled into space right next to the Capitol wall. Outnumbered ten to one, none of them looking a day under thirty, they learned via Twitter when the House crossed the 216 vote mark to pass the Senate version’s of health care reform. Bouncing up and down, waving faded and crumpled signs, they mugged for TV cameras. That prompted a few Tea Party activists to lower a massive American flag between the pro-”Obamacare” forces and the lights and lenses. The liberals cried foul. Park police broke the tension. And the Tea Partiers looked back at the Capitol and chanted “Na na na, hey hey, goodbye.” Just because the bill had passed didn’t mean they couldn’t kill it.
“The most important thing to remember,” said Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots, throwing her hoarse voice into a megaphone, “is that the fight for freedom, it never ends! In the next days, you’re going to find out what you can do to stop it in the Senate. If it becomes law, we’re going to fight to repeal it in the next Congress!”
The roughly 250 activists, some of them wiping away tears, cheered for Martin, then belted out “The Star-Spangled Banner,” then recited the pledge of allegiance. Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) slipped through their ranks unnoticed, then politely took the megaphone for himself.
“The American people lost today,” said Hoekstra, “but we’ve got some opportunities. We’ll fight this in the courts. We’ll fight this at the ballot box. Hopefully, in January, we’ll have enough votes to begin the process of repealing this bill.” The crowd cheered as Hoekstra — who is leaving Congress to run for governor of Michigan — walked out and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) walked in.