By Tana Ganeva, AlterNet
Posted on March 23, 2010, Printed on March 23, 2010 Monday after Congress passed historic health care legislation was a dark day for right-wingers. Wouldn’t you be upset if you were doomed to live in a communist dystopia? Is there even a point in living once Nancy Pelosi kills every baby in America and your grandmother?
And by “upset”, we mean certifiably insane. Here are the 10 most awesomely overwrought right-wing freakouts spurred by the passage of a bill that promises to extend coverage to tens of millions of the uninsured and curb some of the most inhumane abuses of the insurance industry.
1. Last week, Rush Limbaugh swore he would move to Costa Rica if health reform passed. Instead, he heroically decided to stay behind and fight for freedom, by telling his listeners they're in a death match with Hitler. “America is hanging by a thread. So we have to see what we can do with a thread. At the end of the day, our freedom has been assaulted. This is the kind of change that people did not think they were going to get when they voted for Barack Obama. Freedom must win the day."
Limbaugh goes on to slam Rep. Bart Stupak, whose decision to vote "yes" on the bill after squeezing an anti-abortion executive order from Obama helped Dems clinch the needed votes. "Stupak is no different than Neville Chamberlain, who came back with that little letter from Hitler, "Oh, yeah, Hitler says no war between his country and ours."