The threats are so serious to our Dem's that they have to have extra Security & Children of Dem leaders under attack'm sick of it. The only way to show the Teabaggers our support of HCR and our Congressmen & President Obama is to have an ACTUAL count of our numbers. I think, the one way, we can show our numbers is to get on the record, be recorded & counted. The only way to show OUR actually ##'s of supporters of HCR and people that are sick of the Threats is to have a recorded # of contributors and dollars raised. They can report since HCR passed and the Threats have started we've had this many ## contributors, this many $$$ and this many emails. Big numbers of supporters will SCARE the baggers, and may shrink them or have some give up.
Please Help show these Jerks--They are just organizing us!
1. Donate $5 to the DNC or your Democratic Congressman or Democratic Challenger to help elect them in Nov. to keep HCR /
2. Donate $5 to Organizing for America to fight Repugn. Nov Hate Ads /
3. Call your Republican Congressmen and tell them to tell the Tea partiers to stop the Violence. Contact Bachmann, Pence, King & Kingston specifically and tell them to stop inciting Violence.
MAKE THIS VIRAL, email this to all your friends
respond here if you'll donate or Email this to your friends! And Please rec this up to make it Viral