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The return of Nicaragua's old aquaintance, DynCorp

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 01:33 AM
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The return of Nicaragua's old aquaintance, DynCorp
The return of Nicaragua's old aquaintance, DynCorp
Saturday, 27 March 2010, 5:43 pm

Mutations of imperial destabilization : the return of Nicaragua's old aquaintance, DynCorp
By Jorge Capelán
Translated from Spanish by Karla Jacobs

There are no excuses for playing the innocent about the motives behind US funding of "civil society" in Nicaragua. In the last analysis, this sort of funding is part of the political-military plan to destabilize and dominate the country, in exactly the same way as in other ALBA countries like Bolivia and Venezuela. The nationals implicated in the administration of these funds should jump ship as soon as possible if they want to avoid going down in history as traitors to their country.

The destabilization strategy in Venezuela, based on the in-country installation of a US Agency for Development (USAID) Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) by the subcontractor DAI, is documented by Eva Golinger in her book, "The Chávez Code". (1) This same strategy is being applied to Nicaragua with USAID's CamTransparency Program managed by a branch of the paramilitary multinational DynCorp. The names are different, the scheme is the same.

As is well known, USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the International Republican Institute (IRI), etc., have channelled millions of dollars of "aid" to "civil society" organizations which, in turn, function as an informal political party to destabilize the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity. It's difficult to keep track of all of this "aid," but on occasion the US Embassy itself publishes relevant information.

This was the case for the disbursement of some US$320,000 to "small projects" carried out by 15 Nicaraguan NGOs by the then US Ambassador in Managua Paul Trivelli and the then interim head of USAID in Managua, Carol Horning at the end of May 2008. (2) These projects were part of a plan to sabotage the municipal elections of the same year and, at the same time, to isolate Nicaragua by the subsequent suspension of a certain amount of international aid.

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-27-10 08:17 AM
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1. No money for U.S. schools? No money for U.S. umemployment checks? No money for real universal
health care? No money for a massive jobs program? No money for infrastructure--roads, bridges, parks, libraries?

But hundreds of millions of dollars for destabilizing Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia? And billions of dollars for supporting the narco-thugs and lying murderers running Colombia and Honduras?

No wonder there is a pro-left web site about Latin America called "Upside Down World"!

It's not just that these billions of our tax dollars are being horrendously misused to support fascist causes throughout Latin America, which could be used for good purposes--to support REAL improvements in peoples' lives (education, health care, local agriculture, labor unions), and REAL democracy and empowerment, which the CIA, the State Department and the Pentagon lie through their teeth that they want for others--it's that the U.S. itself is now a 'third world' country--looted and nearly destroyed by the Bush Junta. We are broke! Thousands of teachers are being laid off in the U.S. Essential government workers are being 'furloughed.' Education and poverty programs are being cut to the bone--or eliminated. Tens of thousands of people have lost their homes or are threatened with imminent homelessness. Manufacturers are pouring out of the country to the cheapest labor markets abroad. Jobless or underemployed people have been crippled with debt in various ways--while the bankster looting, and Pentagon contractor looting, and the lobbyist looting and insurance corp looting, and every kind of looting by the rich continues to bleed the American people of every last penny that we have. And we're paying for "NGOs" to wreck Nicaragua's leftist government? And Venezuela's? And Bolivia's? And have just paid for the bloody wreckage in Honduras? And have been paying for the even bloodier wreckage in Colombia for some time?

Upside down, inside out, backwards, "Alice in Wonderland" country we are living in--where the gross injustice of these expenditures doesn't even register in the corpo-fascist press nor virtually anywhere in the corridors of power. The "Red Queen" truly rules in this Wonderland. Nothing makes sense.
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