version am talking, of course, about the Catholic Church and specifically about the hierarchy....not the good people of the Catholic faith.
The Church whose leadership, in case we didn't already know this, has now been proven to have purposefully hidden an epidemic of pedophilia and--to protect priests, not born children--reassigned serial sex offenders to other parishes to offend again. The kind of people who, if they were not priests protected by the hierarchy of the Church would not be allowed by US law to come anywhere near children or schools?
* The 11th hour vote on the Stupak Amendment last fall in the health reform debate allowed by Speaker Pelosi after closed door meetings with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
* The statement by Senator Ben Nelson, author of the limitations in the health care bill that will eliminate women's existing coverage of abortion care, that he had to confer with the USSCB on the language he proposed to govern women's health and rights?
* The midnight-rewriting in 2008--the night before a vote--of the original reauthorization bill of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in which the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops--aided in this case by Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ), Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA), and Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN)--worked long into the night with Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA) and his staff--with the blessing of the Speaker--to:
# deny HIV-positive women access to contraceptive supplies to avoid unwanted pregnancies (because these women knew already they would not live to raise any child born); r
# restrict integration of HIV prevention and family planning services, even though both unintended pregnancies and HIV infection are catastrophic public health problems in Africa and both result from unprotected sexual intercourse;
# re-insert into that bill abstinence-only-until marriage policies despite the fact that the Government Accoutability Office, the Institutes of Medicine and countless other analysts had proven these programs only served to leave people vulnerable to HIV infection.