dishonest if it's done in the interest of forwarding their respective "causes".
Just as al Kaida members believe otherwise sinful acts such as not wearing traditional raiment and appearing as secular 'Westerners' is permissible, as long as it is done in the interest of killing 'infidels'. Likewise saying anything, no matter how untruthful it is, is not really lieing, if it's said in the interest of not getting caught by Western authorities and thus serves their "cause".
I don't know if many people realize this, but Arch Conservatives and Tea-Baggers really make the same special adjustment in their minds for lieing about anything they are doing that advances their holy war against "intellectualism" (education, science), "socialism", "secularism" or any of the rest of the perceived causes of their frustrations. IF they feel it's necessary to obscure the hypocrisy of their so-called political 'positions', they will lie and not consider it lieing.
"Tea party" photo shows huge crowd — at different event Glen BEck did the same thing in 'reporting' on one of his Beck-Boobie rallies and was exposed by Jon Stewart.
A poll taken by Quinnipiac College reported that those identifying themselves as aligned with the Tea-Baggers were tallied as being 13% represented by minorities. THe good people at Quinnipiac apparently assumed everyone was answering truthfully, when a cursory review of pictures of the vocal Tea-bagger rallies clearly shows NO MINORITIES are to be found in their ignorant number.
Obviously, a number of Tea-baggers polled said they were minorities to give the "movement" the appearance of not being an almost entirely White phenomenon - which throws some doubt on credibility of the self-proclaimed "populist" phenomenon.
When arch Conservatives or Tea-baggers feel the hypocrisy of any of their enterprises is about to be exposed they don't really feel it's lieing - to lie to a non-believer (infidel) - in this case, one of the intellectual, secular, socialist, evil-Democratic enemy.
Such is the mutable 'morality' of the ignorant, the goof-ball or the fanatic.