Wouldn't it have made more sense to focus on Jobs Jobs Jobs
before concentrating on something that requires everyone to
contribute to for-profit insurance companies bottom lines?
How many insurance company executives will make millions
and millions while the 60 hr per week waitress is forced to pay
out of her wages to satisfy the IRS?
I think it's pretty clear where the priorities of our Elites lie.
The sad thing is that there is still so much support.
The sellout of American Manufacturing is a crime of the worst order.
It's as serious as it gets. Will "we" end up manufacturing *Anything*?
How can anyone even begin to think that this is good for this country?
Meanwhile, in the last 30 seconds, the US has spent about $28.5 thousand dollars
in Afghanistan. The kooks run the asylum
"The troop increase will cost $2.5 billion per month, $82 million per day,
$3.4 million per hour, $57,000 per minute, and $951 per second.".
http://www.csmonitor.com/Money/new-economy/2009/1203/what-obamas-afghan-war-plan-will-cost-youWe are at the trillion dollar mark for Iraq and Afghanistan. Think about that.
We could have given every single American Citizen a MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH
and still have spent Nine Hundred Ninty Nine BILLION, 7 Hundred Million dollars on these wars.
1,000,000,000,000- 300,000,000= 999,700,000,000 Dollars. Since we're borrowing to kill,
does this figure include the interest our grandchildren will pay? Will we just default?
Imagine a TRILLION DOLLARS of Your and My Money!!!!
This is insanity. Seriously. Insanity. Legalized, Public Insanity on display. And there is no outrage.
Edit: Math Edit 2wice because I can't get my mind around the #'s
What does a TRILLION DOLLARS look like? Here's why it's tough to imagine:
http://www.pagetutor.com/trillion/index.htmlwe'll look at ONE TRILLION dollars. This is that number we've been hearing so much about.
What is a trillion dollars? Well, it's a million million. It's a thousand billion.
It's a one followed by 12 zeros.