"When Tom Grimes lost his job as a financial consultant 15 months ago, he called his congressman, a Democrat, for help getting government health care.
Then he found a new full-time occupation: Tea Party activist. . . .
Mr. Grimes, who receives Social Security, has filled the back seat of his Mercury Grand Marquis with the literature of the movement, including Glenn Beck’s “Arguing With Idiots” and Frederic Bastiat’s “The Law,” which denounces public benefits as “false philanthropy.”
“If you quit giving people that stuff, they would figure out how to do it on their own,” Mr. Grimes said."
Well, Tom, give it a truth test. Refuse your government handout, and get it on your own. Isn't that the thing you ought to do? See if not having your government dole enables you to find a real job before you starve.
He was a financial consultant, too. Meaning he was riding on the coattails of the same financial institutions that caused this economic disaster. Is this guy right about anything?
Later, this same genius says, “If you don’t trust the mindset or the value system of the people running the system, you can’t even look at the facts anymore.” Facts don't matter? As the final cracker: this guy says he is thinking of getting a part time job
with the Census Bureau. One of them complains about what the government has done with trade since the 1980s. What happened in the 1980s guy? That's right: Ronald Reagan was elected. Mr. Small-but-let's-grow-the-government himself. Showing that hypocrisy goes right to the hero the Tea Baggers worship.
I remember then there was a huge swing to the right among college students and twenty somethings. Everyone was reading Ayn Rand. The swing was due to a deliberate campaign by conservatives, trying to neutralize the liberalism that had been present on campuses in the sixties and seventies. There was a huge, well-financed push to spread conservatism in my generation. I'd say the Teabaggers are people who embraced it, but not as any kind of real ethic, rather, as a fantasy, a dream. It did instill in them a lasting hatred of government. Getting money from the government is just part of that hatred.
I don't predict that the Tea Party has any staying power in American Politics. They have almost no ideological consistency except a general distrust of government. Their hero, Sara Palin, is a wretched and stupid person and is laughing all the way to the bank with their money. Then again, most teabaggers have never had a problem with that, though everyone has their limits. They believe in their dreams about her and not the reality of her. They'll pretend to like her for another year or maybe three.
Even if I don't see it lasting, its current members can resurface mutant strain of the Tea Party that's much worse. Especially if conditions in the country worsen. The Tea Party may die, but unfortunately, most of its membership will remain none-the-wiser.