It has become increasingly clear the more I hear Sarah Palin that she is suffering from an incurable medical condition. In medical terms it would be cranial rectitis or terminal stupidity in layman's terms. As a registered Democrat and a gun owner you Right Wing morons and your threats of gun violence and assaulting people are the best arguments for government to come confiscate my guns as well as yours. Anyone who shoots their mouth off as carelessly as you Tea Partiers seem too, can't possibly be trusted to handle a fire arm responsibly the argument will go.
I have no love for what this government or big corporations are doing. There is no doubt that they have no regard for our welfare nor do they care. If you really want to bring down those in power it requires absolutely no violence. You just stop complying with those in power. Violence is the tool of true Totalitarians and it always has been. A coward and a weakling resorts to violence.
Words have consequences. Before I reached my 19th birthday JFK, his brother RFK and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had all been assassinated. There is plenty of room for dissent in this nation. It is what this nation was founded upon. But there should be no tolerance for calls to violence against those you disagree with. That is what they do dictatorships.
Like it or not because what those in your movement do is done in all of your names, here is the pathetic stupid crap your movement stands for. Racial epithets, death threats, broken windows, nooses faxed to Congressmen James Claiborne D-SC and Bart Stupak D- MI. A gas line sabotaged at the home of the brother of Rep.Tom Perriello D- Va. after it was posted on line by a local Tea Party Movement group.
The racist, bigoted moronics would be bad enough but protesters showed up at Rep. Russ Carnahan's home with a coffin. Rep. Betsy Markey D-Co. recieved two threatening phone calls. One caller said, " Better hope I don't run into you in a dark alley with a knife, a club, or a gun." another said, " Better tell your boss that she better be careful when she comes back to Colorado.
A Nashville man was the victim of road rage because he had an Obama bumper sticker on his car. Rep. Vic Snyder D-Az. recieved a letter that read, " Militia control has selected you for assassination."
I realize all of you Right Wingers feel far safer in a dictatorship like we had 8 years of under George Bush. And you find it frightening discovering that a majority of America doesn't see the world through paranoid glasses. We had free elections and even though Obama isn't doing what I think he should, I will work to change things through constructive non violence and refusing compliance.