from Too Much: A Commentary on Excess and Inequality:
Health Care Reform’s Hidden Tax GemMarch 27, 2010
The health care reform legislation President Obama signed into law last week takes a little-noticed but precedent-setting swipe at executive pay excess.By Sam Pizzigati
The health care reform package that President Obama signed into law last week will give many millions of Americans better access to health care. We can say that with certainty. Here’s what we cannot say with certainty: The wider access that health care reform now ensures will make America a much healthier nation.
Why can’t we say this? Here’s why: Access to health care does not make people healthy. American middle-income people who already have health care, research has shown, have far worse health, as measured by a variety of yardsticks, than comparable middle-income people in Japan and many other nations.
If health care doesn’t automatically translate into healthier societies, the obvious question becomes, then what does? Equality. People who live in more equal societies, epidemiologists have documented, live longer and healthier lives than people who live in more unequal societies.
But here’s the encouraging news: The just-passed health care reform package includes provisions that will help make the United States more equal. Some of these provisions are starting to receive considerable press attention. The health care reform package overall, New York Times analyst David Leonhardt noted last week, just may represent “the federal government’s biggest attack on economic inequality since inequality began rising more than three decades ago.” ............(more)
The complete piece is at: