Ran across this article in this morning's Chicago Tribune. He's actually sort of criticizing the administration, but even in critique he can't stop himself from fawning. It's regarding the diplomacy problems being caused apropos Saudi Arabia caused by the speculation of Powell's resignation.
The article is typical Hoagland; knows nothing about anything, but doesn't let that stop him. But, check out this one paragraph regarding Powell and his deputy.
"They have told co-workers in Washington, and relatives, bankers and foreign policy sages in New York. Powell had made indirect but clear public references to his plan to leave, and astute diplomats based here concluded a month or two ago that they were working with a lame-duck chief diplomat 18 months before the end of George W. Bush's electoral mandate."
Those last two words are laughably stupid. What electoral mandate? He lost the popular vote, Jimmy boy! So, the problem for Bush is a lame duck diplomat near the end of his "mandate"? I would think his real problem is that he HAD NO MANDATE and that he's an incompetent boob.
How guys like Hoagland and Krauthammer keep their jobs is beyond me. The Professor