The worldwide increase in anti-Semitic attacks following Israel's 2009 incursion into Gaza hit the U.K. and France the hardest compared to all other European countries, according to Tel Aviv University's watchdog on anti-Semitism.
In 2009, the U.K. saw 374 manifestations of violence against Jews compared to 112 in 2008, according to the Stephen Roth Institute for the study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism. France was a distant second, with 195 violent attacks compared to 50.
The total number of anti-Semitic incidents - as they are defined by the institute - was a record number of 1,129 in 2009, compared to 559 in 2008. The institute recorded 566 incidents of vandalism targeting Jewish property worldwide in 2009, constituting 49 percent of all incidents.
Four percent of incidents - or 41 instances - were armed assaults against Jews because of their religion, and 15 percent were weaponless assaults. Arson accounted for three percent, or 34 instances. Threats of violence against Jews and Jewish institutions accounted for 29 percent.