CNN Links Arms with Billionaire's Project to Fleece Social Security and Other Bedrock Social Programs
Billionaire Pete Peterson's anti-Social Security, anti-Medicare anti-public investment deficit propaganda film "I.O.U.S.A" is scheduled for broadcast on CNN.
April 10, 2010 |
Unless we successfully pressure CNN to change course, it will air Pete Peterson's anti-Social Security, anti-Medicare anti-public investment deficit propaganda film "I.O.U.S.A" along with additional propaganda "commentary" from people who work for the Peterson Foundation on Saturday.
CNN did this last year, and it was a completely one-sided presentation, when in fact, there is an actual debate going about how serious a problem is the national debt, and whether Social Security and Medicare really need to be gutted to reduce the debt.
Now, maybe CNN was actually clueless last year, and was not aware that many of the nation's most prominent economists do not traffic in deficit hysteria, insist that Social Security is fundamentally sound, and broader health care reform (which just passed) is the way to protect Medicare.
But over the course of the past year, this debate has been raging.
And just today, in the New York Times, the nation's most famous economist, Nobel laureate Paul Krugman warns us not to follow the deficit hysterics into the economic abyss:
But will that view be heard tomorrow? Nope.
No one slated to provide commentary on CNN this weekend represents Krugman's informed view, and most are directly linked to the Peterson Foundation.more...