...There were clear sides, with uniforms and all that, as well as a very recognizable front in the form of the Mason-Dixon line. How does that make a typical Confederate soldier a terrorist?
What should the average white southern farmer, who couldn't afford the expense of a slave, have done with the threat of Union military units confiscating their livestock and property, as well as maybe feeling up the girls (or worse)? Just roll over and accept it, or fight? Do you see the Union Army as some sort of highly professional outfit, with spotless uniforms, gleaming weapons and a 'rules of engagement' protocol? They were state militia units aggregated into something bigger; there was nobility, but there was venality, too... how many Southern homes were looted and ransacked by rampaging Union troops, sometimes not much better than a mob?
Look what happened in Missouri... the Union Army terrorized the countryside, depopulating whole stretches of farmland because the Confederate sympathizers would melt back into the general population after ambushing pro Union settlers. Should the locals have turned in brothers, cousins, uncles and fathers to the hated and ham-fisted Union authorities?
What about Sherman's March? It was promulgated with the intent to terrorize the population; to starve them into submission and show that nobody could save them from whatever the Union Army wanted to inflict on them.
What would any of us do if Chinese troops marched from Vancouver to St. Paul, burning, looting, raping and summarily executing whomever they wished? What if the Chinese authorities said they were doing it because Americans were dangerously overarmed and a threat to the civilized world (you know, crap that some people here say all the time). Would you hold up a welcome sign (in Chinese) and turn in your brother-in-law, because he had blown up a railroad bridge and a couple of Chinese soldiers were killed?
If you can honestly say you would, then you would have to accept the fact that there would be some people willing to kill you for that.
People were scared and then, just as now, they were whipped up into a frenzy by the demagogues of that time, both secessionist and Unionist.
It's bullshit to keep casting the war in terms of freeing black slaves. The majority of white people, both North and South, could not have given a fuck less about slavery. Look at the Draft Riots in New York that erupted in 1863, after Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation. Nobody wanted to fight and die or get maimed freeing black slaves; and I don't care if it was folks from Vermont or Wisconsin, places that were so far away from the fighting as to be on another planet. In Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee, for example, the situation was more immediate and less of a thought exercise.
Lincoln was lucky that the Irish kept coming over, so the Union Army would have fresh meat for the grinder.
Of course, we're talking nuance here; as well as deeper study. What we've got here is the simplistic mindset of: All Confederates were virulent racists who all owned at least one black person as a slave, not for any other reason than they were racists, and that's why they fought the Civil War, because the wonderful, liberal folks up North wanted to take their slaves from them. Of course, the wonderful, liberal folks up North didn't actually want any of these freed, poverty-stricken and uneducated people up North, but hey, freeing them and setting them loose into the countryside was a start, right?