You may have read about how some Republicans in Florida, a state whose GOP is partially dominated by Hispanics from Cuba who aren't thrilled with knee-jerk racism (unless it's directly at blacks), have expressed some doubts about that nasty little police state law in Arizona. Marco Rubio, desperately trying to not get indicted for fraud before November, has concerns. Jeb Bush, whose children are Hispanic, is worried about unintended consequences (never mentioning his racist party's intended consequence of ethnic cleansing). Karl Rove, who sort of lives in Florida now too is muddled and confused, welcoming it and wishing it had never passed at the same time. Miami-Dade retiring Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart strongly disagrees with the Arizona law. And Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is offended, flat out called it "unacceptable" and "un-American." You go, girl!
Most Republican electeds are laying low and running away from reporters but far more than those offended and troubled are those celebrating, especially racist California freaks Darrell Issa and Brian Bilbray. Perhaps the most bizarre reactions have come from the increasingly radicalized Iowa GOP. One of the most bigoted and craziest members of Congress, Steve King, couldn't wait to issue a statement: "The ‘open borders’ Obama Administration has postured itself in favor of amnesty over the Rule of Law. Now states like Arizona are being forced to step up and fill the void left by DHS and the Obama Administration. I commend Arizona for standing up for the Rule of Law and protecting American workers. This is the time for the Obama Administration to accelerate enforcement of immigration laws to make room for unemployed Americans, not grant amnesty.”
Nevermind that the Obama Administration is dealing far more effectively with the problem than the cheap-labor Republicans ever did, King is generally dismissed as a lone wolf and sideshow act. Turns out though, he's hardly alone in his state.
Third District GOP congressional hopefuls called for more R&D on illegal immigration – as in round-up and deport.
Speaking at a Tama County Republican forum Monday, six candidates for the GOP nomination to face seven –term Democratic Rep. Leonard Boswell opposed amnesty for illegal aliens and called for tougher enforcement of border security.
“I think we should catch ’em, we should document ’em, make sure we know where they are and where they are going,” said Pat Bertroche, an Urbandale physician. “I actually support micro-chipping them. I can micro-chip my dog so I can find it. Why can’t I micro-chip an illegal?