that's why they're so politically vulnerable: Beck can tell them that Bush is a Red because he tortures and invades, or a liberal because he made bailouts (and reinforce the stereotypes that the left and liberals are pro-corporation and that Marxists are evil, monstruous sleeper agents)
that's also why conservatives are still rehashing the fights of the 30s and 50s: they point to Stalin's mauling of the CPSU left and Ukrainians as though it were a new revelation. M. Stanton Evans's "Blacklisted by History" defending McCarthy, Mona Charen's "Useful Idiots" raging about non-warmongering liberals in the Cold War, and Ann Coulter keep puking up stereotypes of the pre-Khrushchev USSR
amnesia is one of the roots of their complacency
of course, conservatism--and thus wilful blindness--crosses party lines: remember those Dems getting so excited that we were getting "guaranteed access to healthcare" with the (conservative) health ins bill?