In a recent letter to a university journal, a self-described "young conservative" took umbrage with those who'd question his commitment to the environment. He moaned, "Environmental protection has unfortunately become wrapped up with a liberal agenda in this country." He said this made him feel "very, very uncomfortable."
Hell's bells, boy, you whine more than George Will with a Chardonnay hangover! Nobody has to apologize to you, nor do they have to walk on eggshells to placate your feelings. We're talking about the environment here, we're talking about issues that an overwhelming number of Americans -- not just so-called "liberals," whatever they are -- feel strongly about, we're talking about threats to the public health and the well-being of our children. And your poster boy, GWB, doesn't believe in global warming or climate change -- accepted as fact by all but the lunatic fringe -- and he's gutted 30 years of bipartisan progress on the environment. This is one area on which you do not get to dictate dress code. Any discomfort you feel is best aimed elsewhere. Start by looking in the mirror.
Everywhere you turn these days, you see this plaint from the right for a return to civility. They want those of us who've been the recipient of their lash, who've received threats for things we've said or written, who've watched them destroy all that we hold dear, to "make nice," as New York Mayor Bloomberg has requested of his city's residents during the Republican Convention in August. Never mind that their agenda has a headlock on America now and is running roughshod across the planet, killing, maiming, burning, looting, decimating, gouging, stripmining and, for good measure, sodomizing people with broom handles. Never mind that they have loosed this this blood-dimmed tide upon us with glee, relish and large doses of bullying and fear-mongering.
They realize now that their little man with the big cowboy hat is, in the words of Rep. Nancy Pelosi -- one of the few Democrats with fighting spirit -- "so gone," that he may indeed be the war criminal others say he is, and that his administration is composed of war profiteers and marginally sane end-timers. Just look at recent columns by Thomas Friedman, David Brooks, Andrew Sullivan, Bill O'Reilly, and George Will, all of whom have turned down the volume of their saber rattling and are asking us to believe that they were taken in by Bush. (Only seriously unhinged people like Ann Coulter, who recently disgraced herself, and the Connecticut Forum, keep tweaking the knob past 11). These veterans of power politics, these swimmers in political sewage, these traders in cant and lies, these amoral apologists for the most destructive gang of thieves in American history, now want to apologize? Please.