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Will Pitt and

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No Mandate Here. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 05:51 AM
Original message
Will Pitt and
Edited on Tue Jun-01-04 06:15 AM by ABB_15501
have an amazing opening page today. <>

I came away with a rather disturbing (for me) observation...

Just when you think it couldn't be getting any worse, it seems to be.

As so very many things are going so very wrong for * and his cabal, the possibility of them "not going quietly" is rising. I am sorry to say that I can imagine the election being a near landslide against them, but they will "discover" some emergency that causes the results to be cancelled, and essentially have a coup to stay where they are. The other possibility is a 'Lame Duck Coup', where they engineer as much of the rest of their agenda and put it into effect, and then leave in January. It would be up to Congress to protect the Constitution, which, under the current makeup, would not likely happen. They might not pass the legislation that would finish the PNAC and Neocon agenda- * would do it on his own. I just don't think that Congress would stop him.
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H2O Man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 07:10 AM
Response to Original message
1. I've said several times
that you need to understand in any contest/conflict: just how far will your opponent/enemy go to win? With this administration, we already know they will: (a) deny people the right to vote; (b) not count the votes of those who do vote against them; (c) abuse the court system in order to deny the valid out-come of an election; (d) lie, lie, lie; (e) create an atmosphere of "national emergency" to cover the imposition of their radical agenda; (f) kill thousands of innocent civilians in order to steal the oil desposits located under the land they live upon; and (g) kill over 800 American soldiers to accomplish this goal.

Is there ANY POSSIBILITY that they will go quietly into "retirement" just because of an election? I am not prone to panic, conspiracies, etc, .... but we are at war with a force that poses the greatest threat to democracy in our nation's history.
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Sperk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 08:39 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. God, I hope we're all wrong about this, but I too think the political
mafia in the White House will do ANYTHING to keep their power.
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Fovea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 01:36 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. Enron
pushed them over the edge into frank criminality. Up to that point, it was repugnant, but not actionable.

The original plan was a lot more hopeful, a lot more win win...

If it had worked--

Unocal/Enron would be selling gas and oil hand over fist to India and China as we speak. Iraq would be a happy client state, gladly helping us wreck the Saudi/Wahabbist primacy in oil policy.

The energy empire would be pumping out oil at moderate prices, because a secure new floor for oil in a stable middle east would trump the anger over Israel. Indeed, Israeli oil terminals would be shipping it out through the Med.

Bush would be a hero. The Islamic world would be forced into realpolitik
compromises and democracy in the Middle East would be a defacto Pax Americana.

Russia would be our partner in controlling resource costs via political control of the producer states.

All of this, if Enron/PNAC had not been so easily duped by dishonest players like Musharraf, Chalabi and Kenny Lay. One might say with 20 20 hindsight that you have to expect such problems will occur when your goal is world domination among an oligarchy of monopolists, imperialists, spooks, and crooks.

Would 911 still have happened? Probably. But we would have had Bin Laden on a plate from the happy Taliban, who enjoyed the carpet of gold very much. This was all the theory, and the original implimentation.

What were the core mistakes then that brought us to this pass?

1. Enron was a fundimentally crooked RICO machine. It did not get the gas it needed for the India deal, and the political help from * was too little, too late.

2. Cheney's Energy Policy was Perle/Wolfy's Middle East Policy. To work, both halfs of the scheme should have been opaque, but everyone knew about PNAC.

3. In their zeal to justify the unjustifiable, they were either massively duped, or the cynical handlers of disinformation agents.
These lies amplified the problems created by the exaggerated executive privilege assertion.

4. The incredible manipulation of post 911 panic by Ridge, Rove, Ashcroft, et al, was so maladroit and inconsistent as to convert fear to cynical disgust.

These confound some core elements of the master plan.

These cannot be overcome without a massive event. The expected outcomes for that event should include--

A plausable reason for invoking emergency powers.
' ' massive incarceration
' ' a command economy.
' ' for withdrawl from the UN.

For the easiest implementation of the above, an attack on a Blue City like San Francisco seems likely. A and B are preferable to C, as there is a presumed quarantine with A/B events. Best timing would be October, of course. It must be much more severe than 911. It might just be al qaeda's handiwork, because they are delighted that we have been so abusive and arrogant in Iraq. Bin Laden says-- "Bring em on, the Iraqis. Let's you and them fight." Then Osama will fade back into Saudi Arabia, where our troops should be looking for him.

It might even flip San Fran to red. Win Win. They will promise the emergency will be over by December. By then, of course, Congress will have to decide the future of American democracy. The furtherance of this criminal conspiracy will require the dismantling of the current system of government. To my way of thinking, it is a question of how much stomach the Republican party has for quelling violent rebellion and massive sabotage.

Bush does, Cheney does, DeLay does, but Frist, Rehnquist... who knows?
If I am wrong, color me tin foiled. If I am right-- Get ready for the Civil War.

But remember, the prize is huge, the only cost, America's soul and well being.
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drb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 10:09 AM
Response to Original message
3. My personal bet is....
...a "terror attack" on the House and Senate, while members of the cabal are conveniently "on vacation" or "on the campaign trail."

The "shadow government," about which most of us have conveniently forgotten, takes over. Due to our "devastating national tragedy," the elections are "postponed."

I immediately begin to take Berlitz courses in a foreign language of my choice.
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RobinA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 10:19 AM
Response to Original message
4. My Worry
in this respect is not that they'll pull some 11th hour stunt to throw the election their way, I kind of expect it. I'm more concerned that, if they lose, they will unleash treatment of Kerry that will make their treatment of Clinton look like child's play. As impossible as that sounds.

This faction is going to need a stake driven through its all its hearts in order to allow reasonable Republicans and Democrats a voice in national and international affairs, and that ain't gonna be easy, considering the many heads and grip on the media the thing has. It's like an octopus where all legs must be nailed down simultaneously in order to kill it. There's a much better chance it will die of its own stink, but that could take awhile.
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hlthe2b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 11:34 AM
Response to Original message
5. Has the website changed? I can't find these comments anywhere?
Could you point directly to the article URL? thanks
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No Mandate Here. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 11:58 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. The words are mine.
I have had enormous respect for Will Pitt, his essays and his site for quite some time. In fact, it predates DU on my bookmarks by at least several months.

When I read the list of titles this morning, and then his essay, I was filled with a bit of dread about November. * and the cabal have no scruples or conscience, have no respect for the general population and I am beginning to think they will do absolutely anything to continue their regime. From the other posts above, it looks like others agree.

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hlthe2b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 02:37 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. oh, I misunderstood. (and I am fighting the same fears & feelings)
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