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A Star Athlete, a Soldier, and a Challenge (ND Danielle Green)

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 02:55 PM
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A Star Athlete, a Soldier, and a Challenge (ND Danielle Green)
Danielle Green was a standout basketball player for Notre Dame's women's basketball.

The phone rang on May 25 at precisely five minutes to noon Chicago time.

"I want you to be strong," Willie Byrd recalled hearing from his wife, Specialist Danielle Green, in Baghdad with the 571st Military Police Company.

"What's wrong?" he said. "I know something's wrong."

"I'm all right," she said, "but I lost my left hand."

The following day, The New York Times and other newspapers published a dramatic photograph of an unidentified female soldier being transported on the hood of a Humvee to a hospital after being wounded. She was flanked by nervous American soldiers, their weapons pointed warily.


Specialist Green said she had been disappointed in her tour of duty in Iraq.

"I thought we were going for humanitarian reasons, like building things up and cleaning the neighborhoods up — it's filthy over there," she said. "But we hardly did any of it. We spent a lot of time just doing nothing."

All photos from NY Times.

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