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That other war --the war on poverty

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Strive to be Dust Donating Member (25 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 06:32 AM
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That other war --the war on poverty
I was happy to see that someone thought enough about this issue to put it up on the home page. We aren't hearing enough about this tragedy these days.
That being said; however, I was disappointed to see argument by vague anecdote. Give us some testimonials and back them up with some hard specific stats. not broad general survey results.

We don't have an echo machine like the right, so we need the speed and accuracy of a bullet not the persistence of repeated blows with a baseball bat.

The GOP has convinced a lot of their poor supporters that the mountains of money the cooperate big shots pay themselves is the just reward of cleverness and hard work. Worse, it has convinced them that to demand a fair share of the profits for the folks who do the lions share of the real work is self-centered greed backed by envy. Trying to be good Christians, these folks are very vulnerable to this reasoning. We need SOLID evidence of gross chronic avarice to fight this deception.
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Tamiati Donating Member (146 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 10:23 AM
Response to Original message
1. Master Plan
It is part of the master plan, & certainly has been handed to us for the last 100 years. Work hard, do more for your country. Slogans like "ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country" (& I liked Kennedy).

I am an adult college student who just completed sociology 101 this semester. I could not hardly swallow the lessons being taught, I faltered & wanted to drop the class. It was there in black & white what I have suspected for so long the equation is thus $$=Power, the one with the power has ultimate control of all. Where will you be??

This plan has been part of a way to control the masses for eons, make us sheep who follow our leaders no matter where that takes us, look at Iraq......What happened to the movement of the 60's?? They introduced drugs to the hippies who then lost sight of the issues. Then Kent State sent a messge to all....."Don't tread on Us" to our own students & citizens.

I get extremely angry about these issues, I was 10 in 68. I saw what happened, I lived it. My brother 6 years older has fallen in like the sheep he is.

We need to Activate & motivate, once again. But the stakes are even higher now you can be labeled a "domestic terrorist" so easy & be taken out of the game in a heartbeat. Our government is the biggest terrorists, look around become aware & you will see what I see.
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Tamiati Donating Member (146 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 10:30 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. One more thing
The poor have become targets for prison time & long jail sentences with the new drug laws that have been in place since the Regan administration. Who doesn't want to make a little money, much like the prohibition times of the 1900's, but now ohhhh no they can't allow that, it is one of the biggest dangers to our society. No longer do we try to help those who are addicts, we will just lock them up & create more jobs for those who are sheep & do as we say.

Bullshit, if more people smoked marijuana instead of drinking the legal drug of alcohol we certainly would have less domestic abuse, deaths from car accidents, shootings etc. Who on marijuana has ever gone into a blackout and done something stupid?? No one I know, & I have 30 years of experience & exposure to draw from.

Once you are convicted of any drug crime, you are denied the social service programs such as food stamps, medicaid, & housing assistance. In addition to denial of any student loan benefits, & let me tell you working for minimum wage ain't gonna get you thru college.

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