Typical crap today…
It's a compliment to Mr. Tenet's political savvy that he was able to leave on his own terms (Ha! Not from what I’ve read. We’ll see.)
despite the Agency's mistakes during his seven-year tenure. The largest was the failure to penetrate al Qaeda before 9/11, and more recently the many misjudgments (Oh, is that all they were? “Misjudgements!”)
about Iraq, which go well beyond whether or not Saddam Hussein had WMD. (Yeah. Who cares about WMD’s anyhow?)
And forget that Chalabi FBI investigation of Pentagon officials, because we “…have a war to win”. Nothing to see here. Just keep moving.
Anyhow, it’s everybody’s fault, except you-know-who. Spinning is incredible, and look who they think might be right for the job. And his first task? Would you believe, “…fire or replace career officers who are engaging in what amounts to an insurgency
against the President's policy.”
So it’s a good thing for the President to have his #1 Intel guy, and his director of Intel Ops., both quit shortly before two major political conventions and an international Olympics? They're off their meds again!
Love these guys. Consistency and denial forever. Be sure to read the responses.