the best long term solution that we can induce right now. Cuts to growing entitlement programs, for the most part, won't impact the deficit until the entitlements are expected to become very large - in the future. Economic growth and jobs growth have an immmediate and a long term impact.
The Filth known as the GOP, by fighting all the stimulus bills, all jobs bills (e.g. the tax cuts to businesses who add to their payrolls) and the small business loan bill, in order to help their campaign against the Democrats this Fall are actually causing the deficit to be HIGHER in the future. When you have economic growth, tax receipts go up (about 6% to 7% for every 3% of growth in the GDP). By fighting the Dems efforts to repair the damage done by the Republicans' DEREGULATION DISASTER and to get the economy back to growing again, the Republicans are delaying our return to economic growth and actually building a bigger deficit.
more reason to plug the Deep Water Horizon well with Republicans. Better to plug-up an out of control oil well than Congress. It would be a way for the Republicans to actually do something
FOR their country ...FOR A CHANGE.
Miracle Deficit Cure?: GROWTH - Newsweek