Unemployment Extension Tier 5/99ers Update – The group of 99ers or those who had been unemployed for more than 99 weeks are planning to conduct a press conference and rally on August 12, 2010. The rally will be attended by various groups of 99ers.
The rally dubbed as “Keep the American Dream Alive Tier Five!” will be held at the Federal Hall, 26 Wall St., New York City from 12-1 pm. Organizers are hoping that people would show in support of the Tier 5 Extension Bill and the Congress and the Senate will here them out.
For those who would like to come to the rally you can contact Kian at ren_della@yahoo.com for more information. They had set a deadline yesterday for those who want to come and make their voices heard even online. The organizers of the Unemployment Extension Tier 5/99ers rally also developed an ongoing thread which can be found at Unemployed-Friends.
Meanwhile, we have received more than 30 comments from those who are urging the US Congress to help them and pass the Unemployment Extension Bill Tier 5 for 99ers. The comments shows the desperation that is currently happening to these people who extremely needs help.