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David Sirota: The Stadium-Mob Mentality

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-06-10 08:25 AM
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David Sirota: The Stadium-Mob Mentality
from truthdig:

The Stadium-Mob Mentality

Posted on Aug 5, 2010
By David Sirota

One thing you can confidently say about 21st-century America is this: Our icons of seemingly frivolous spectacle often embody deeply significant and disturbing truths. What was Balloon Boy but a deadly serious commentary on national gullibility and misplaced priorities? What was Joe the Plumber but a fun-house reflection of our destructive deification of ignorance? And what was Matt Bellamy last week other than proof that much of our country could care less about its Constitution?

The instantly famous image of police removing the 29-year-old from Cleveland’s Progressive Field was largely presented by the media as hilarious and justified—and the predictable applause, blog comments, talk-radio calls and Facebook posts embraced that portrayal. Bellamy, the logic went, deserved to be tossed because he was wearing LeBron James’ new Miami Heat jersey in the city that James deserted. And not only was Bellamy wearing the jersey, he dared to flaunt it by pointing at it, prompting boos from fans and physical assault via projectile foodstuffs. In response, police say they ejected Bellamy for his own safety.

Before you chime in with a fist-pumping “good riddance!” remember that Progressive Field is not some private club—the taxpayer subsidies that built the stadium effectively make it a public space, ostensibly subjecting it to the Constitution. Also remember that police officers, as taxpayer-funded instruments of state power, are sworn to uphold that Constitution—and specifically, the First Amendment’s requirement that the state refrain from “abridging the freedom of speech.” And remember, too, that Bellamy’s jersey didn’t run afoul of the few court-authorized exemptions from the First Amendment—it didn’t, say, violate obscenity statutes or endorse violence.

So while Bellamy was undoubtedly being provocative, that’s his constitutional prerogative—one that police were obligated to protect. Instead, they removed him to wild applause, making this event perfectly illustrative of a nation that, for all its pro-Constitution rhetoric, increasingly ignores its founding document. ...........(more)

The complete piece is at:

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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-06-10 08:41 AM
Response to Original message
1. Shoulda, Coulda, But Simply Will Not
It's hopeless to expect proper behavior from the police any longer. No matter who you are, if you are pointed out as a target, then the police are pitbulls that missed lunch.

This isn't right, but it isn't going to stop. There's too much wrong in society to stop any of it.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-06-10 08:38 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. With all the money going into "Tasers" we have to hope we can remain alive
in some years forward if we are stopped by a cop for going through a red light! Our Elderly Parents and Relatives are in danger from the TASER ASSAULTISTS. If a relative has Alzheimers or some other problem...maybe Diabetes with insulin fluctuations...or Med problesm from some doctor prescribing something too strong or not quite the right thing...and WE HAVE A REACTION...COPS TASER US.. Courts and JUDGES SAY: COPS ARE CORRECT...your RELATIVE OR YOU ...ENDANGERED US.. It was SHOOT YOU WITH BULLET OR TASER.. TASER IS SAFER!


Figure it out!
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