Minutes ago, the Senate passed state aid package (H.R. 1586). After months of months wrangling, $26.1 billion in needed help cleared its last major hurdle before going back to the House for reconciliation. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already called back vacationing Representatives to Washington for an emergency session next week. At Republican insistence, funding for a food stamp program to feed the poor was removed to get the votes of Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Susan Collins (R-ME) to give Democrats a 61-39 pre-midterm election victory, albeit Pyrrhic, being that children of indigent mothers may have less to eat in the future.
Jay Gould, the Godfather of the modern Republican Party said it: "I can hire half the working class to kill the other half" funny!
John Boehner: "We will be the pary of 'NO!'"