“AK-47 assault rifles, AR-15 assault rifles, MP5s submachine guns, 50 mm machine guns, grenade launchers, ground-to-air missiles, dynamite, bazookas, and helicopters,” l
AK-47 assault rifles: not from the US, at least not full auto (assault
rifle v assault
AR-15 assault rifles: no such animal. If they mean assault
weapon it's possible.
MP5s submachine guns: not from the US- tightly controlled since 1934, closed to new civilian registration since 1986
50 mm machine guns: "" ""
grenade launchers: "" ""
ground-to-air missiles: "" ""
bazookas: "" ""
dynamite: available via ag permit in miniscule qty in some states, or to mining operations, moderately tight controls
helicopters: suppose you could buy one here, but the machine guns would be same as the items above
http://www.factcheck.org/2009/04/counting-mexicos-gunsIn December 2008, Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora put the number of recovered crime weapons in the country over the past two years at nearly 29,000, according to USA Today. And figures given by ATF make clear that the agency doesn’t trace nearly all of those.
In 2007-2008, Mexico submitted 11,000 guns to the ATF for tracing. Close to 6,000 were successfully traced- and of those, 90 percent, according to testimony in Congress by BATFE Assistant Director William Hoover- were found to have come from the U.S.
http://www.justice.gov/dea/pubs/cngrtest/ct031709.pdf Lol, it get's better, what a mish-mash of mis-statements:
During a straw purchase, an ineligible candidate for gun ownership directs an ostensibly eligible individual to purchase the gun in his stead. Then, the transaction between the two parties occurs undetected as one of many private firearms deals that are out of the reach of government regulation.
Straw purchasing is using someone with a clean record to make a purchase
from a federally licensed dealer, because that person
can pass the instant background check. There is a record (a form 4473), which is retained for a minimum of 20 years. How does the author think that people are prosecuted for straw purchases??
These obvious flaws are also exacerbated by the elimination of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which was in effect from 1994 to 2004. This ban prohibited civilians from purchasing semiautomatic firearms, including Zeta favorites: AK-47s, AR-15s , and other weapons able to accept a detachable magazine.
Actually, no, it didn't. The first "assault weapon" I owned was legally purchased from a federally licensed dealer in 1996. The 10 year 'ban' only affected cosmetic features like a collapsible stock, muzzle break, and pistol grip. It banned 19 models by name (which was circumvented by changing the name) and a combination of features (change the features, and the gun was legal to be sold.)
These firearms were designed by and for the military during World War II in an effort to create a lighter gun for rapid fire in situations of heavy warfare
The AK-47 was built in... 1947 (Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947- Kalashnikov's Automatic Rifle of 1947.) The AR-15 around 1958 (based on Eugene Stoner's 1956 AR-10). Today's civilian versions of these rifles are semi-automatic, which means that just like granddad's Remington 750, they fire as fast as you pull the trigger.