How long have we waited to see the words “George W. Bush and grand jury” in the same sentence? For three and a half years there are those of us who have tried to bring to light the truth about this administration. We have pointed out the lying and corruption of these inept troglodytes, but far too often it would fall upon deaf ears. However, in the last couple of months something miraculous has happened, the “Liberal” media have finally allowed their testicles to drop and are now reporting about the criminal activity of the Bush administration. And because the truth is finally being reported, more and more people are no longer drinking the neo-con Kool-Aid.
After September 11th the American people put aside their partisan politics for the greater good and when Dubya said, “either you’re with us or you’re against us,” we thought he was talking too those individuals or governments that support terrorism. We never dreamed that he was also speaking to those of us who have refused to follow in lockstep with his agenda. The vindictiveness of this administration against those who have spoken out has not been lost upon the publics’ perception and now he is reaping what he and his shills have sown.
Full article here: