People that have exhausted their unemployment benefits unite, at least this is the message they are trying to get out. The 99er’s, or the folks that have exhausted their unemployment benefits and are still having no success at finding a job, have managed to gain a united front and are planning to rally in lower Manhattan on Thursday this upcoming week. Scheduled to be on August 12th starting at noon, it is expected to draw tens of thousands.
What They Want
The 99er’s ask only that our leaders extend the unemployment benefits to accommodate the poor jobs market. At this point there are already more than 4 million jobless that have lost their eligible status and, estimates are saying, that 50,000 per day are losing their benefits to join these ranks, even though the unemployment rate has remained steady over the last few weeks, at 9.5%.
Who Is On Their Side
Senator Debbie Stabenow and most every Democratic Senator holding a seat. One Democrat will oppose it, if it is not paid for…Senator Nelson (D-Neb.) The Republican opposition is deep, but there are supporters. Senators Snowe and Collins supported the unemployment extension that just passed and the incentives provided in this tier V bill are sure to get their support again. If the bill is paid for, (a point that is unclear at this moment,) more Republican support can be expected
The Rally’s Main Point
99er’s are trying to point out that there are more than just the 4 million suffering from this recession…the children. Most of these people have families that they are trying to support and feed, and the kids are the real victims. I ask you Senators and Representatives this: Can any single person among you look just one of these children in the eyes and say, “No, I don’t have anything for you.” If you can, then maybe, just maybe, you need to vote “No” on this reprieve for the unemployed Americans of this nation.