my husband is a union electrician. His union crew got hired to work for a local contractor who is anti union. They call the job "Code of excellence". They have a "3 strikes you are out" policy. (knowing full well that 250 guys sit the bench). They use this to their advantage. This week the heat index in Omaha has been over a 110-115 every day and this will continue through Friday. My husband is building a multi million dollar ball field with tax payer money while we are laying off teachers and policemen and taxing every thing we can. My husband is glad for the job, but yesterday, the contractor failed to get water to the second tier where my husband was working. They also refuse to buy carts so the electricians can carry their tools with them instead of running back and forth from the job box. So for the last 3 hours of the day, there was no water for the guys on the second tier of the job. Do you know who you tell when this happens??? and 250 guys sit the bench? No one. You keep your mouth shut and hope and pray you can drink enough water over night to stay hydrated. The climate has changed and clearly a worker is just a body.
The economy is stalled precisely because of a lack of jobs, medical and health care costs, POOR medical care and medical errors, with absolutely no recourse for middle america when the corporate world makes a mistake. It seems to me, that while your administration has put a bandaid on my gaping 10 inch surgical wound, you have done very little to treat the underlying problem that corporate America has too much control over our lives. We want to see you fight corporate America…not bloody the eye of the left wing liberal and then kick us to the curb calling us drug addicts if we complain. there was ever an example of disconnect between those who have and those who don't this piece will clarify. And how Mr. Gibbs responds to the plight of those who do not have any voice, Drug Test them, in this matter harms the Obama administration. It's as callous and out of touch as Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity.....