Here is a question that puts another perspective on the debate for a Tier 5 unemployment extension bill. What do some 99ers do when they have exhausted their unemployment extension benefits and couldn’t find a job? They file for Social Security benefits, and, they are doing that in record numbers.
The struggling economy, high unemployment rate and a weak job market has made some sectors call for a Tier 5 unemployment extension to attend to the needs of 99ers – unemployed Americans who have expended the maximum 99 weeks of federal jobless insurance. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) responded to that call by filing S.3076, “The Americans Want to Work Act” on April 4.
According to a report by the Associated Press, more Americans filed for Social Security last year, a record 2.74 million. And majority of those who filed did so ahead of their full retirement age. Some of those who filed are 99ers who have exhausted their unemployment extension benefits and are likely hoping for a Tier 5 extension.
Because they have exhausted their unemployment extension benefits, qualified 99ers and those who have felt the pinch of a weak economy, have filed for Social Security earlier than they want to. In 2009, almost 72 percent of men and almost 75 percent of women who filed opted for early benefits. Both figures reflect marked increases over 2008 numbers – 58 percent increase for men filers and 64.2 percent increase for women filers. These numbers reflect the need for a Tier 5 legislation. Otherwise, the Social Security fund will be subjected to great strain because of the flood of early filers.
Quoting Jason Fichtner, an associate commissioner at the Social Security Administration, the AP report said the weak economy has led more unemployed Americans to retire early. Stabenow’s Tier 5 bill could have helped Paul Skidmore, a 63-year old jobless worker from Miami, who plans to file for Social Security as his unemployment extension benefits have ran out. The same bill could have also benefited 63-year-old Jan Gissel of Tustin, Calif. Forced to retire early, Gissel turned to unemployment benefits when her business failed and filed for Social Security last September. Together, the checks are keeping her afloat.