For OpEdNews: Brian Cooney - Writer
The GOP wants to double down on trickle down
Pity the Republicans! What's left for them to advocate when they're once again faced with a President who (like Clinton in the 90s) straddles the center of American politics? He even shares their deference to the military and defense establishment.
The irony here is that they are victims of their own success in moving the center of American politics so far to the right. Like Republicans in the Clinton era, all they can do is demonize Obama and stake out extreme positions. So they call him a socialist for winning passage of a health insurance bill very similar to what Nixon proposed in the early 70s.
They actually want to renew Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans, at a cost of $680 billion over ten years, despite ballooning government deficits. They're clinging desperately to the failed trickle-down economic policy that has been Republican dogma since 1980.